"The Dog Whisperer" Holger Schüler

We at emmi®-pet look forward to working with dog professional Holger Schüler who became famous with his program: "On Six Paws."
Interview between emmi®-pet and dog lover Holger Schüler.
The route is the goal!
Holger, a typical South Palatinate man with a bald head and a braided goatee, helped animal shelter dogs that were difficult to train to get rehabilitation in his youth. Since early childhood he has had an increased interest in dogs. In the course of his life, Holger's passion developed from this: dog psychology and dog training.
After completing his apprenticeship as a chef, Holger moved to Munich at short notice. Here he completed further training as a masseur and medical lifeguard. The teaching about the interplay of joints, muscles and bones puts him in the fortunate position of integrating the knowledge he has gained into his current work as a dog master.
After successfully completing his training, Holger completed various internships in veterinary practices and veterinary clinics. In addition, he worked as a supporter for various dog trainers. In this area he was able to sustainably consolidate his experiences and approaches in dog training. As a voluntary helper in Fred Obermayer's wilderness collection station, his special gift in dealing with animals emerged. As the head of the Upper Bavarian dog squadron, Fred Obermayer was decisive for Holger starting further training as a dog trainer and rescue guide in 1993. Holger describes himself as “obsessed” with the subject of dog training. From this point on, his whole world should only revolve around the harmonious coexistence of dog and owner.
This was followed by courses, advanced training and further education with well-known experts. He supplemented the courses “Abseiling with a dog” or “Searching for rubble with a dog” with intensive courses on the subject of “Communication with a dog” and “Psyche of dog and owner.”

Holger Schüler: dog trainer with heart and mind
Dog education advisor and dog trainer with a heart for 25 years!
The first dog of his own moved in with Holger at the beginning of his training in the dog rescue team. Tobi, a Bernese Mountain Dog, should sweeten his life from now on and prepare him on his way to self-employment as a dog education advisor and dog trainer. After 12 years in the field, he finally made the decision in 2005 to set up his own dog training consultant and dog trainer and go his own way.
In his work with four-legged fur balls and their can openers, Holger spends a lot of time advising masters and mistresses. In this area he is primarily dedicated to the coexistence of humans and dogs and also questions human behavior. This is exactly where the cause of the dog's misconduct lies.
In addition to his work in the field of dog training, Holger is also:
working as an instructor for dog trainers,
writes books and shoots videos on the subject of dog training and husbandry,
appears as an expert on TV,
writes expert articles for specialist magazines
and has already set up his 4th stage program "Dog training with Holger Schüler."
Holger is one of the few dog trainers who has the certificate according to §11 of the Animal Welfare Act. This allows him to perform in front of an audience with his dogs. Since 2007 he has appeared regularly as "Der Hundeversteher" on SWR television and 3Sat. He can also be seen regularly on the Kabel1 program “Achtung Kontroll” or “Focus TV” from Sat1.
A special concern of Holger is his ambassadorial activity for the Sterntaler eV children's hospice . He has been actively supporting the Mannheim association for life-limited children and their families since 2017. It is a great honor for him to make a small contribution to such a big cause as he himself says. For this reason, he regularly visits the facilities of the children's hospice and collects donations together with his dog Dakota.
4th stage program: dog training with Holger Schüler
Best-selling author on tour: Holger and Dakota inspire with a new stage show!
Best-selling author Holger Schüler is on tour again and this year presents his 4th stage show. Based on his bestseller: "Dog training with Holger Schüler", he gives his audience an insight into his everyday work. The stage program is like an exciting journey into the world of dog training. Accompanied by his male Dakotas, Holger grants a blunt insight into his upbringing measures and provides valuable educational approaches, for example, on questions such as: What to do if
your own dog does not hear?
your own dog pulls on a leash?
your own dog reacts aggressively to other people or dogs?
Holger teaches that training dogs can be a lot of fun. In the context of his new stage show "Dog training with Holger Schüler," he reveals valuable educational approaches in an instructive and amusing manner, gives tips for cyclists and pedestrians in dealing with aggressive dogs and lets his audience share in his many years of experience as an expert in dog training.
With wit and charm, he convinces in his own way as a dog trainer. Specializing in the problems that arise from living with a dog on a daily basis, he also clearly points to the other end of the leash. The problem often starts with humans. This is exactly where Holger's educational philosophy starts. He ensures that humans and dogs understand each other better and that they become a well-coordinated team. True to his motto: "Not a blind love of animals, but an honest look at the facts are the key to successful dog training."