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¡El primer cepillo de dientes ultrasónico del mundo para mascotas!

La salud comienza en la boca

Esto no solo se aplica a nosotros los humanos, sino también a nuestras mascotas. Si las encías y las encías están bien cuidadas, su amigo de cuatro patas puede morder con fuerza y disfrutar de dientes y encías sanos hasta bien entrada la vejez.

El cepillo de dientes ultrasónico emmi®-pet lo ayuda a apoyar a su perro con el cuidado dental porque el cepillado de dientes regular es la medida más efectiva para mantener la boca y los dientes sanos, incluso con amigos de cuatro patas. Nuestro cepillo de dientes ultrasónico emmi®-pet limpia incluso los espacios más estrechos entre los dientes y las encías para tener dientes más limpios y encías más sanas.  La tecnología patentada de ondas de ultrasonido al 100 % de emmi®-pet funciona de forma totalmente silenciosa y limpia sin cepillar, sin ruidos molestos ni vibraciones. Esto convierte a emmi®-pet en la solución de cuidado bucal preferida por los dueños de mascotas y los profesionales del cuidado de mascotas.


Aquí explicamos por qué la limpieza regular de los dientes es tan importante para su mascota como lo es para nosotros los humanos.

Las ventajas del cepillo de dientes ultrasónico emmi®-pet

Cabezal de cepillo patentado con 100% ultrasonido

A diferencia de los modelos de cepillos eléctricos, nuestro cepillo de dientes ultrasónico patentado en todo el mundo llega fácilmente incluso a los espacios más estrechos entre los dientes y, por lo tanto, garantiza una limpieza óptima de los dientes y las encías de su animal.

suave y amperio; Limpieza profunda silenciosa

Con el cepillo de dientes ultrasónico emmi®-pet, la placa y las bacterias se eliminan con mucha suavidad, incluso en los espacios más estrechos entre los dientes, sin frotar ni zumbar. A tu perro le gusta aguantar eso. Y también significa: ¡adiós al mal aliento!

Reduce la inflamación y las enfermedades secundarias

Con el uso regular del cepillo de dientes ultrasónico emmi®-pet puedes prevenir el sarro, la gingivitis y enfermedades secundarias en tu amada. Y una flora bucal sana puede incluso alargar la vida del animal.

Sin riesgo de anestesia para el Darling

Con el uso regular, le ahorra a su amada y a usted la costosa limpieza de dientes, así como cualquier anestesia y cirugía dental.

Un dispositivo, doble uso

Dependiendo del accesorio, nuestro dispositivo es muy adecuado para el cuidado de los dientes y el pelaje. Los accesorios para el cuidado de mascotas emmi® pueden tener un efecto positivo en una amplia variedad de dolencias, como inflamación, picaduras de garrapatas u osteoartritis.

¡Así es como funciona la limpieza dental ultrasónica con emmi®-pet!

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El cuidado de la salud oral de las mascotas en Europa
Producto del Año 2022

La galardonada tecnología de emmi®-pet es utilizada por profesionales del cuidado de mascotas en todo el mundo y ha
sido reconocido por la publicación de mascotas más grande del Reino Unido como el
"Producto de salud bucal para mascotas del año 2022".

Esto es lo que dicen nuestros clientes sobre el ultrasonido emmi®-pet

doris f.

Mi perro ​​puede ser tratado sin resistencia. Me parece muy bien que el cepillo funcione en silencio.Lee todo

Rafael W.

Compré el cepillo de dientes para nuestros dos Bolonkas. Después pensé cuando lo puse en marcha por primera vez.Lee todo

Kerstin B.

El cepillo de dientes vale la pena el dinero. Tenemos perros salchicha en miniatura, que realmente sufren de mal sarro y mal aliento.Lee todo

  • For which dogs is the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush suitable?
    The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is suitable for dogs of all ages and breeds. No matter whether small or large, young or old, thanks to two types of brush heads, it adapts to every dog's bite.
  • From what age of dog can I use emmi®-pet?
    We recommend using the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for cleaning teeth during the change of teeth, i.e. even for very young animals. This is particularly useful for young dogs, as they often suffer from pain and the gums are easily inflamed when changing. The ultrasonic toothbrush can relieve pain and thus make it easier for the animal to change teeth. In addition, the dog can get used to the emmi®-pet brush at a young age. This also combats tartar formation from the start.
  • Does the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush attack my dog's tooth structure?
    The tooth structure of the animal is in no way attacked by the gentle ultrasonic toothbrush. Rather, by gently cleaning it, it prevents bacteria from settling in the gums. The emmi®-pet toothbrush helps prevent painful inflammation of the gums.
  • Why is the use of the emmi®-pet recommended in addition to professional tartar removal at the vet?
    Regular use of the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush combats the causes of tartar and reduces the risk of renewed tartar infestation by loosening plaque. This avoids painful inflammation of the gums and existing inflammations heal through the use of the ultrasonic toothbrush. Regular dental care will strengthen the dog's gums and stay healthy.
  • How often should the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush be used (daily, weekly, monthly)?"
    The frequency with which emmi®-pet is used to remove plaque depends on the condition of the dog's gums and teeth. With daily use of the ultrasonic toothbrush, only parts of the dog's teeth can be scanned, because tartar forms particularly quickly on the fangs. In the case of a weekly treatment, we recommend cleaning the entire set of teeth. The frequency of use is also race dependent. The teeth of smaller dog breeds generally need to be brushed more often. The focus should be on the individual problem areas such as the incisors or molars.
  • How do I get my dog ​​used to the use of emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrushes?
    In principle, it is easy to get used to, because the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for animals is completely silent and does not vibrate. With a little practice and enough play, teeth cleaning and care through positive conditioning works quickly and well for most dogs. But you should have time and patience for your four-legged friend at the beginning. If the dental care does not go as hoped, this is often due to the fact that the animal has already developed painful periodontitis and touching the gums causes pain. In this case, the attending veterinarian should be consulted. During use, the emmi®-pet animal toothbrush is placed on a tooth for six seconds before the position is changed. Our four-legged friends quickly get used to the process and even notice that it is good for them. This is the ideal dental care for the dog: painless and without anesthesia.
  • Should the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush be used daily as prophylaxis or can the toothbrush also remove existing tartar?
    The ultrasonic brush can easily be used every day. Ultimately, its use depends on the dog and the condition of its teeth. As a rule, the following applies: Smaller dog breeds have a significantly higher risk of tartar than larger ones and therefore require particularly intensive care. We advocate using the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush regularly as prophylaxis in order to avoid plaque formation and to keep your dog's teeth healthy, not only when tartar has become dangerous to the animal.
  • Which diseases can be prevented through regular use of the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush?
    Often, diseases of the tooth supporting system (gingivitis, periodontitis) are caused by bacteria in the dog's saliva. The regular removal of plaque with the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush significantly reduces the risk of tartar, gingivitis and other diseases in the mouth. However, there are animals that, due to their genetic makeup, accumulate tartar very quickly and develop periodontitis. If you have any questions about the removal of tartar, we therefore recommend consulting the attending veterinarian.
  • Is the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush also recommended by veterinarians?
    The emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is recommended by many veterinarians and is used for prophylaxis and prevention. Even in dogs with severe inflammation of the gums that have to be anesthetized, the use of the emmi®-pet ultrasonic toothbrush is often part of the primary treatment. The ultrasound treatment reduces the bacteria that are responsible for the painful inflammation. The gentle dog toothbrush can also help regenerate inflamed gums. The use of the ultrasonic toothbrush is considered to be gentle and effective. Therefore, experts are happy to give dog owners emmi®-pet for dental care in order to save their darlings toothache and unnecessary anesthesia. However, the use of the ultrasonic toothbrush does not replace a visit to the vet. Dental diseases should be treated professionally so that your dog is pain-free and nothing stands in the way of cleaning teeth with an emmi®-pet dog toothbrush. We recommend our emmi®-pet for prophylaxis or prevention.
  • The device LED does not turn on!
    The green LED will not turn on when the brush head is not attached and/or the battery is completely discharged. Action: 1. Attach brush head and turn device on again. 2. If battery is discharged, then place device into charging station with brush head attached.

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